Email for my domain
1.How can I use rediffmail for my domain?
- When you buy an email for your domain using Rediffmail Pro account , you own it. You can point your domain to any destination on the web.
- Host your website through any vendor or service provider.
- Alternately create your free personal website through the easy-to-use Rediff home pages
- You need to simply visit our website
- Look for desired name and extension for the domain
- Select the desired option and proceed for payment
Steps to set up Rediffmail Enterprise Mailing for your domain
- Create Users
- Change A & MX records of your domain to Rediffmail Servers in your current DNS Hosts
- Point the MX records of your domain to with Preference/Priority = 10
- To access webmail, kindly create a sub domain which is mentioned in your Welcome Mail
- Create Sub Domain
- Point A record to the IP:137.237.27for eg: –
- Go to the ‘Admin’ link at the top of your navigation menu
- Select ‘Single user management’ section and click ‘Add user’.Fill the form & user will be added sucessfully
2. Can I use rediffmail with my domain?
- No, you cannot use rediffmail id with your domain as rediffmail id .Your domain name needs to have a suffix like .com,.in etc. To use emails against your domain you can always opt for our business emails. Choose the category which suits your business needs.