Professional Emailing
Professional email using rediffmailpro
1. How can you use your RediffmailPro id for your school, business or organization?
- You can use rediffmail for your school, business and organization or individually for yourself. Professional email using RediffmailPro tends to take your organization and you more seriously if you send in an email from your business id. It helps you in following 5 ways:
- Adds credibility to your business/organisation.
- Increase Professional Perception/Impression
- Helps you Win Customer Trust
- Get Data Security
- Has advanced anti virus and spam protection
- Unmatched reliability and dependability
- POP3 access brings you Rediffmail Pro, business email that’s reliable and fast. It adds the professional touch to your business with features such as:-
- Your Rediffmail Pro account comes with 5 email IDs.
Allocate these email IDs to your employees. For example, or or to different departments in your company. For example, and - Flexi storage packs with space pooling within the same pack ie 1gb,2gb,5gb,10gb,25gb upto 50gb
- Get your Rediffmail Pro mails on Outlook Express, Netscape or Eudora
- You can also make Rediffmail Pro your primary account and pull your other mails from POP accounts like VSNL. Send and reply to all your mails from Rediffmail Pro account alone. You can also import your address books from other email accounts into your Rediffmail Pro account
- Rediffmail Pro mails can be accessed even when you are away from your office
- Send large PowerPoint presentations, images or any other files along with your mails
- To protect your computer, all incoming mail attachments are automatically scanned for virus
- Store up to 2500 addresses, phone numbers and email addresses
- Your Rediffmail Pro account comes with 5 email IDs.
Unlike free mail, the Rediffmail Pro Inbox does not contain promotional messages. And there are no advertising tag lines on your outgoing mails. Every outgoing mail from a Rediffmail Pro account projects the right professional image